Valerie Biggerstaff Valerie Biggerstaff

Books, bookmobiles, and libraries in DeKalb County

According to history at, the bookmobile first came about around 1940 as part of Roosevelt’s Work Progress Administration (WPA). Maud Burrus put books in the back of her car and visited readers in small towns and farms throughout the county. Louise Trotti followed in Maud Burrus footsteps and became the first supervisor of bookmobile services.

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Valerie Biggerstaff Valerie Biggerstaff

Getting Distracted by a Farmhouse on Covington Highway

They always had a big garden and lots of fresh green beans, sweet potatoes, and corn every summer. Sometimes we helped pick vegetables from the garden. At dinner time, which is also known as lunch, or supper time, which some people call dinner, my cousins and I would devour multiple ears of corn.

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