Valerie Biggerstaff Valerie Biggerstaff

Time to talk peaches

The August 13, 1962 Atlanta Constitution featured a story about dried peaches, “Home Dried Fruit Wakes Memory.” You need some dry, sunny weather to dry peaches. Apparently peaches don’t handle a rain shower well. The instructions read, “To dry peaches, you simply wash the peaches, cut in about 1/8 inch slices, lay on a piece of tin and place in the hot sun. Bring in at night and put in a cool, dry place and return to sun the next day. The peaches should be dry. If not, place in a very low oven and stir occasionally until completely dry.”

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Valerie Biggerstaff Valerie Biggerstaff

Georgia peaches are a tradition of summer

Since I grew up in Georgia, finding and enjoying Georgia peaches is a tradition in my family which I am happy to continue. When I was young, one of my aunts lived off Highway 155 in Stockbridge, Georgia and had a peach orchard behind their house. My mom, grandmother, aunts, cousins and I would make a day of going to their farm to pick peaches. Following this outing, Mom and my grandmother would freeze peaches so we could continue to enjoy them well after summer.

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